The diagram listed above is my Personal Learning Network. This diagram explains the ways that I can learn new information, store this new information, and then share this information. I can actually do a great deal of learning online through online search engines, Wikis, and emailing colleagues. I also do a great amount of face-to-face learning. I do this through classes at BW, interaction with my colleagues at work, and teachers from other schools in my district during inservices. I can also get information through telephone calls and texting.
I learned through EDU 514, that Google Docs is a great way to store information. Prior to this class, I had never used this tool before. It's a great way to keep all of your information stored in one place. I'm sure I will continue to use Google Docs in the future. Folders on the computer are another way to organize and store information. To store important information that you learned through email, email folders are also helpful. Mobile phone notes are also a good thing to have if you need to keep a note of something you learned for a later date. Delicious tags are also very useful. This is another tool I had never used before EDU 514. I think it's a great way to keep track of websites that are of interest to you, so that you can go back and look at them later.
There are several ways that I can share the information I learned. One way is through email, either through my BW email or my school email accounts. Another way to share information is through telephone calls and texting colleagues. Information can also be shared by posting on blogs and Wikis. Delicious is another way that helpful websites and online information could be shared. Information could also be shared on social media sites, such as Edmodo. Of course, information could also be shared face-to-face in person.